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How to Leave Your Job Without Burning Bridges

Posted on November 2021

Woman carrying cardboard box through office while employees applaud

You may struggle to keep your cool when leaving a challenging role within the banking and financial services sector. When stress has become too much, or you have secured a dream new role you can’t wait to start, it can be tempting to air your grievances when handing in your notice.

Keep in mind that it never does good to burn bridges in business. Quitting a job you hate in a dramatic manner may be satisfying for a short moment, but the long-term effects of a heated moment can last throughout your career. Remember, your employer needs to provide a reference, and you may end up working with co-workers you left in a bad situation further down the line of your career.

Leaving a role on bad terms will do you no favors, this guide will help you resign from your job without burning bridges or leaving a bad last impression, so you can keep your professional reputation intact.
