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Recruitment Landscape: Risk Management

Posted on November 2021

Recruitment Landscape: Risk Management

โ€‹This year, hiring trends across the Risk Management market have undoubtedly been the most active that weโ€™ve witnessed since the immediate uptick post financial crisis. Larger financial institutions, Bulge Bracket Banks, Hedge Funds, Asset Managers, and FinTechs alike have been proactively hiring within Risk Management since March 2021, and it has created a highly competitive demand for specialist talent.

To check out what Risk Management vacancies we have, click here.

For the first time in many years, demand for talent exceeded supply, resulting in many organizations having to rethink their talent acquisition processes. Our latest report, Recruitment Landscape: Risk Management, dives into the driving factors behind the candidate-driven market:

Submit your details below to download the full report:

